that's hilarious...
no wonder
no... some of them write "sent from my iPhone" just to be transparent...
most of what you call "Mac Haters" are just fanboy haters!! none of us give a crap about how Macs work... of course they work... we just wish the fan boys would shut up and get back to work!
Hi doug, I wasn't taking you for a Mac hater, I was actually referring to my own brother, Dad and 3 other people in my family, and many more in my wife's family, I was warning the OP about just this thing, everyone hammering on and on about Macs, he asked my opinion and I gave it, and if you read ALL the replies in this post, you will see my advice about fortitude is immediately applied.
The OP was asking for a testimony from a Mac user who makes signs, and I gave it, I myself being a 265 pound boxer have no problem with intestinal fortitude, my size and skill set has kept me insulated from having to bear too much face to face scrutiny about my computer choice, but many have ay least let me know they are haters, and seems like they come out of the woodwork on here when someone wants to toot a Macs horn.
But I gotta admit some of the tooting is pretty over the top, for most of my years with macs, I have quietly enjoyed the run, but he asked & I spoke, and just wanted to clarify things with you. i consider you a pretty open minded, intellect and enjoy reading your posts (usually), I hope we all can remember the poster was asking for real world testimony and I guess to give it you have to be a "fanboy" I just have never had anyone call me that to my face, that said I am guessing if you walked into my shop tomorrow, I bet we would be fighting each other at lunch as to who is buying, I think after swapping all our stories about 60, 70 & 80's parties, motocross tales, years of sign job stories and not to mention lady tales, we would realize we have too much in common to even think about which code we bat around all day, am I right?