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Search results

  1. Formed sign face help needed

    Yesterday I received 2 phone calls from 2 different taverns for new signs. The good thing is both signs are exactly the same. I'm not sure if I have to order the formed sign face or if a flat face will work? I found "Wholesale Sign Superstore" and am working on an estimate for the formed faces...
  2. New use for Flex Seal...

    My good customer/friend (yellow bin) found these great salt bins at Home Depot. We couldn't find anything that stuck to it, as I suspected. My suggestion was to make a plate for it and use bolts to attach. He brought me in some Flex Seal and said just try it, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work...
  3. LXI slow - software or computer?

    When I have detailed EPS files and I try to add an outline or even resize, LXI says "not responding" or it takes forever. Is this something with the software or could it be I don't have enough RAM? I don't know much about computers so not sure if that's the right term. I don't seem to have...
  4. Cash N Carry vs Install

    I sent out a bid for 6 trucks, 1 trailer and 8 4x8 site signs for a company 30 minutes away with a quick general mock-up. Apparently the owners loved the mock-ups (they had someone design them a new logo and it's much sharper than the old one). She then asked me if they put the decals on...
  5. Someone just sent me this...logo?

    I was referred by someone to this new business. He just sent me his "logo". I think I am going to need to have a conversation. He was very proud of making this all by himself online...I'm not sure if the calculator is there on purpose or accident? Guten himmel...
  6. 4'x6' For Sale Sign

    Hi I have an order for a 4'x6' "For Sale" sign. They would like it installed with 4x4 posts. I was thinking of using 1/2" MDO with aluminum sign screwed to it and then 2 posts in the ground (as suggested by customer). I would assume I should put them 3-4' in the ground without cement. In WI. Do...
  7. People are getting edgy lately...

    Has anyone else noticed people are getting increasing bold in stating their minds in public? 3 instances in the last month of men "going off" at me in public. This has NEVER happened to me before. 1. At Walmart my sons and I were confronted by a man who yelled at us for screwing around with the...
  8. Need to approve my application method?

    I have a lighted sign to letter. It's like 18"x6' I don't need a step ladder. A customer is asking me - for the owner of the sign - what my application process is so they can approve it. I'm not sure how to answer that question? Are they concerned I will remove the face or do they not want me...
  9. Apparel Pricing Structure for Estimates within your Software

    Just curious how others have created a pricing structure for creating estimates/invoices. There seems to be a couple ways to do it. One is a per print rate with a set cost of the apparel item. The other is a basic rate for tshirts, hoodies, etc then adding an upcharge for more expensive items. I...
  10. First time acrylic letter install

    I gave the city a "general" quote some time back for some acrylic letters with the understanding they wanted to install. They want to go ahead so I need a more specific quote and now I'm installing - first time. 19 letters, one line - location pic attached. They needed to match some other...
  11. Camper half wrap questions

    I have a customer who wants me to wrap the bottom half of a camper similar to the one pictured with all the ribs. Clearly this is a 2 person job but I've never done anything with all these ribs. How long will something like this take? Anything I need to consider? With cleaning and cutting around...
  12. Political signs...can you make them?

    I'm getting a TON of requests for miscellaeous Trump/Biden signs - some tasteful, some not LOL. Is it legal to make these signs? Example: Vote Trump to preserve your 2nd amendment rights, stuff like that. I want to be sure because I found out 2 weeks ago, if you make one, you will be making 300...
  13. How to clean Aluminum

    I have some aluminum "people" I need to apply vinyl to at the local school. I want to be sure I clean it properly. I stopped over and tried to clean one with alcohol and check them out. My rag was black, and it did not come clean after several attempts in the small area I tested. Here is a pic...
  14. What to charge? Or not?

    A young man just came in. He is a graphic designer, at his work place they have a vinyl plotter. He also works at the fire department. He would like to buy 2 rolls of vinyl from me so he can do all the lettering on the outside of the fire department garage doors. He had planned to use calendared...
  15. Window perf overlap?

    I have some business windows all are 72.5" high, 1 - 52 wide with "coming soon", 1 - 26" wide with nothing, 1 - 84" wide with logo. Material is only 50"? I've never ordered anything this large and I don't print in-house. Will be temporary until the business opens up in a couple months. 1. Do I...
  16. Vinyl lettering on vinyl siding?

    I've never done this! Does vinyl stick to vinyl siding? I don't see why not? They would like the building address and the words Community Center on the vinyl. Please advise...thank you!
  17. Cut vinyl on printed?

    I have a customer that ordered an outdoor sign. It's printed and laminated. Now he wants to add a saying on the bottom and asked if I can just add it with cut vinyl instead of re-printing. Of course the sign is double sided and 48" x 65". I've never had this come up before, I'm thinking I should...
  18. Delay in goods for civil unrest?

    Not a happy day today. Police came in the shop today and warned me about a protest taking place outside my business tonight, or on my street. We have a few thousand people.Will it get out of hand? Probably not but still makes me nervous, I have a large glass window and a glass entrance door. And...
  19. Lighted sign...I think I can do this?

    New business would like a quote for this lighted sign box. Box appears to be in good repair and lights work. I've done lettering on existing boxes but I have not replaced the substrate yet. I think this looks like a good project to tackle for me as a first timer. Size is approximately 9' x 22"...
  20. Suggestions Vinyl color matching help

    Hi, I have to order some vinyl. I'm wondering if anyone has a minute to help me decide which color vinyl best matches this blue? Pantone 2387c It's not in my pantone guide, maybe because it's like 20 years old. Going on a black truck with bright orange. Thank you! Oracal Azure Blue? 3M Olympic...