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Search results

  1. looking for a price on having 2 banners printed.

    just thinking that maybe it might a way to do these.....i can do these with VINYL and blank banners, so ia know were my cost to do these are. i have never had a banner printed so have no idea of what it will cost me. if you want to EMAIL me a quote, so it doesn't have to be posted here. not sure...
  2. Wraps are dead...

    this is the way to go...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX8-iMTRQHk

    dec 26, and we made another year of preparing for dec 25th)))))) iam not a grinch or scrooge, but the run up to christmas....is such a chaotic time........and then POOF ITS OVER WITH((((( now back to the normal(for those of us who are "normal.")routine and then we got news years eve to stay...
  4. We just ordered our CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!!

    THE $245.00 ONE http://www.baileypottery.com/slabrollers/drd2.htm
  5. Real art talent!!!!! just painting with the engob .......amazing.

    this probably took a month to complete!!!!! http://www.viralnova.com/dragon-pot/
  6. Garage sale christmas party

    we do this every year. its a blast. some call it "thriftmas", regifting. find something in your home/garage you would put in a garage sale or something you picked up in a garage sale, wrap it and bring it. then we play DIRTY SANTA...........this picture is NOT MY GARAGE. grabbed the pic off the...
  7. Thanksgiving weekend project dun!!!!

    FINALLY got water and a sink in the shop. got 3 outside spigots, new utility sink inside!!!! sure will make working with clay a lot easier. no more haulin a bucket of water out to the shop. got all the spigots and lines laid around the shop couple weeks ago. had the sink in and plumbed. this...
  8. Look at these LEMONS))))))

    picked em off the tree in the backyard. they are bigger then my ruby red grapefruits.
  9. 8859 avery business card template

    i have COREL X3. guy brought me some business card sheets from AVERY. well, i figured it was just like mine 8171 template. BUT NOOOOO these are something new.........AVERY 8859. COREL X3dont have it. i went to AVERY SITE D/L it, but can only use it in WORD!!!!! i got the cards printed, and saved...
  10. On the way home from walmart............

    A LITTLE EXCITEMENT............but bummed out cause i rear ended a car last nite!!!!!!!!! $166.00 ticket for reckless driving, but the problem was actually MECHANICAL FAILURE..........i hit the brakes, in plenty time to stop........but the peddle got really hard, i heard a "POP" under the hood...
  11. Good news from a doctor!!!!

    sept 25, i had my annual CYSTO(camera into my bladder) IAM 4 YEARS CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. More medical wonders

    STAYIN ALIVE, HU HU HU STAYIN ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! keeps ringin in my head. been rough few days. final straw, monday morning aug 5th, after 3-4 days nausea, no appetite and felling like a STEAMING PILE OF DO-DO..... off the E.R at 8 am. can tell ya this........8 am E.R's are EMPTY)))) so was a quick...
  13. Back to the hospital!!!!

    yea, was home for 3 days, After the back surgery................. and jul 18th, BACK TO THE E.R.!!!!!! got home mon, no appetite, but tried to eat. nothing wanted to stay down. thurs was nasty, vomiting dark coffee fluids. OF TH E.R. seem i had a stomach ulcer rupture when the the did the back...
  14. OFF TO THE HOSPITAL....1 more time.........

    getting back surgery at 9:30 am tuesday.....lamectomy, all L VERTABRA, titanium screws/wires, some fusion.....it will peaceful here for a wekk or so)))))
  15. JUST A LITTLE sign.

    this is for a friend of mine. it is approved AS WHAT SHE WANTS, so take it up with her, what you dont like about. people are getting into older travel trailers. this sign is for her 1959 21 ft YELLOWSTONE. she tows this behind her "survivor" 1949 chevy 1/2 ton pickup. its on 10 mm...
  16. Arts & letters 8.0

    for any of you that have A&L 7, 7.5..........you can upgrade to V 8.0 for $19.95!!!!!!! new owner wants to get more users of this program. similar to corel draw, and a lot of good vector clip art. if you dont have A&L previous versions you can full program for $79.00. www.Arts-Letters.com
  17. MORE INFO ON THE cloud ripoff....

  18. another weekend job........and i got to watch)))))

    this is a sunday job. all i did was lay it out from the owners dimensions, cut, weed, tape the black and a 10 yard roll of 3m green reflective and some regular shine rite green to make it all look like green with a black outline......AND THE BEST PART I WATCHED THESE GUYS APPLY IT)))))228 SQ...
  19. aspent the weekend workin....

    I spent the weekend workin.... its an older van 2000-2001 done with shinerite............
  20. My birthday present!!!!!

    A MAN.......................and his NEW TOOL)))))