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Search results

  1. pricing a small reflective job... i don't know

    Hi all... Need a few price ideas on what to charge on this small job.. 3 different rolls of vinyl... not sure how much to charge.... but here is what i did. I overlapped the city-name one for them, so it's now 1 piece rta. Any help? I have a $25 minimum in my shop, since signs is not our...
  2. I HAVE THE SWEETEST CUSTOMERS!! (some of them!)

    I just got a brown paper bag gift from a customer picking up a set of locks i ordered for him ( he's a newer customer, older, and we hit if off by chit chating while he was having accessories installed and he is repeat business coming in on occasion since his first time in). He got me a...
  3. Storage for your clipart files

    Just wondering where you all keep your clipart collections? Do you keep them on your computer? Leave them on the disc? I got a new internal hard drive and not wanting to fill it up like i did the other.
  4. Warning when taking children to the zoo

    Not sure how world wide this news has spread, but common sense when your at the zoo, don't let your child sit on the railing for a better view. We've went a few times to Pittsburgh Zoo with Ayden... never imagined anything like this, but this could have happened to anybody...
  5. I need a color chart

    I don't have a digital printer, but i once i ordered some business cards off a distributor and the blue came back purple before and i had to reorder. I also get a lot of digital vinyl prints from a MM member here. I'm looking to invest into a color chart for when i have things like this...
  6. can anyone blow this up and actually make out what it says?

    We were broken into the other night. I got a pic of them (3 hooded men) this one has something on his shirt I've been trying to make out the past few days. I was wondering if anyone is capable of reading what it says? Or a suggestion to something i can do to read it. Just a thought to post it...
  7. where to stick it?

    doing a design... this is a brand new truck. Originally, my customer told me that there was no window on the passenger side, well then he went with a different truck and i just got the photo via email and now not sure how to letter it with all that's going on with it(window, stripe, door...
  8. tad bit of help pretty please

    This is for a little girl from our town that is very ill. The thumbs up with the thumb painted blue is to show support for her and her treatments. Currently she has no design so I'm wondering how you all think this looks for it? Can you make out what it is? Does it look like a thumb with the...
  9. any ideas on this font?

    Is there a font the word Phaeton is used with?:thankyou: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rpilaud/5112693679/lightbox/ Trying to match it up to put an added name on the RV "Toys for Two". Owner wants the same font for some reason....
  10. Guess a pack of Marlboro's are included in the food group here in Pennsylvania

    Just was at Sheetz for lunch and watched a chick get a pack of cigarettes with her PA ACCESS food stamp card. $6.22 WTH:help I support my own dang horrible habit with Newports and now just found out i'm supporting others smoking too. Kinda pi$$ed at the moment. Sorry, venting... but thoughts...
  11. pantone colors

    okay, i'm getting more into digital print and have had one set of business cards come back to me purple instead of blue. since i'm getting more into printing banners, business cards, vinyl and on coro, i thought it would be time to invest into a pantone color book so this doesn't happen again...
  12. removing adhesive from plastic

    Removed factory decals from a utv and tried rapid remover, but its dulling the plastic on the dump bed part which is black. Anything else recommended? any tricks / tips?
  13. welp, off to work at the strip club.....

    to letter a few doors that is:ROFLMAO: have you ever had a job you were embarrassed to do? I'm only embarrassed cause i'm a girl and the club is up the road from our business, not even a mile, and my jeep is recognizable to my customers cause of my rims.... so i'm sure i'll get a few...
  14. shirt design, maybe

    doing some BBQ shirts for a family friend.... any suggestions with this direction i'm going??? trying to keep it to 2 color on a sport grey color shirt and yes, he wants a "steer" cause he is cooking them more then chicken ps. i'm aware i got 2 shades of black. that was an accident, but you...
  15. anyone wanna try to open this customer supplied file

    i asked for an ai or eps.... from what i can tell in the 2 emails i received that whomever designed the logo for my customer, is taking a pdf and saving it to an ai file which i get an "error opening pdf" message in flexi. Only program i can open it in is photoshop (i don't have illy) but even...
  16. good font for parking lot signs

    doing some for a business and they are basically reflective 18x12 .080 aluminum Grimco Blanks that will have "who gets to park here" in this spot type sign. what would be a good font to use you think for these. example: General Manager President Secretary to President Assistant to the...
  17. Vintage Aluminum Signs

    There was a thread going about a month maybe two months ago on making old aluminum signs and i've searched signs101 today with vintage faux aluminum and i still can't find the thread. Any ideas where it went?? I heard aluminum and vinegar... but would like to verify this.
  18. Yellow Pages United scam alert to those of you that advertise in the YellowPages

    I just got a letter in the mail for this. I'll just post a link to it. I thought it was for our Yellow Page advertisement which i recently did ealrier this year, but turns out its a scam which i'm sure many fall for once in a while that don't read the fine print. Figured I'd post it to forwarn...
  19. do you sale your "juice"

    rapid prep, tac or remover? or iso 70%.... just wondering. I've had people want to buy some off me, and i'm considering to sale it by so many fl. oz. and get a few small bottles to keep here to resale. just wondering if any of you do. thanks
  20. some sign material (and other stuff) to make halloween costume

    I've been making Ayden's Halloween costumes the past 2 years. Last year he was Pop-eye and the year before Herman the Munster. My dad likes to watch old movies and shows with him and he's really into it, so that would explain why he was what he was. Normally with these costumes i've managed to...